A friend of mine recently introduced me to the hilarious show It's Always Sunny In Philidelphia. The show follows Mac, Charlie, Dennis and Dee, four selfish and perpetually dim characters that run Paddy's Irish Pub in South Philly. The gang deals with many serious issues facing America, including racism, abortion and Jihad. The show was recently renewed for a third season, which begins production later this month.
In keeping with fan tradition, I checked the imdb boards to see what fans have had to say. I'm typically very suspicious of posters on the imdb (even though I am one myself) because I find that most of them are reactionary little bastards that impossible to please and horribly easy to disappoint. Not only that, but they tend to take their own opinions very seriously, and will often insult those that simply disagree with them. Because It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia has had a pretty brief run thus far, I figured that it would be hard for it to "lose its touch" in the same way that many people have accused The Simpsons of doing so. However some fans, despite admiring the show overall, are dissatisfied with Danny DeVito joining the cast in the second season.
One poster writes,
"I watched 2 iTunes eps and got hooked. Downloaded the second season on instinct. I'm 3 eps in and I'm just not feeling it...I don't know why! I love Devito and I love the show. It makes no sense. Was it just meant to be 3 dudes in a bar and the chick? It seems to be that anything else disrupts the flow. I'm lost. I can't grab on to what it is. I like all involved and I can't figure it out."
The overall opinion of the show remains very high, which is unusual because the message boards on imdb are typically host to whiny little pricks get their rocks off by trashing shows they've seen once or twice and formulating opinions which have no basis in rationality. I typically don't post much, mostly because whenever I read a discussion that I might find interesting to join I have to run to the bathroom because I've chewed through my bottom lip in rage. The thing that I find the most frustrating about fan boards is that people take themselves so seriously. For whatever reason, the purpose of a discussion board, which I believe is to promote the diversity of ideas and the free-flow of opinions, is totally lost when one of these sanctimonious dickheads finds out that someone thinks Donnie Darko was a piece of shit. Which it was.
On a few occasions I've been calm enough to write a response to some idiot lacking the aptitude to distinguish their, there and they're, only to realize halfway through my post that talking to some of these people is just not worth my time. And because my time is so valuable, I'll spend the rest of my evening looking up students names I find in the UMass Police Logs on Facebook.